Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Guess who made it to olympia!!! Rode almost 60 miles today. I feel light-headed. I had to eat some emergency 'gue' a half hour ago, but now we are taking showers and going out to dinner. More later.

Love to everyone


  1. congratulations. 60 miles and so early in the trip. Have cousin Robert take a photo of the both of you on your bikes. Stewart says he knows of a good place to get doughnuts in Portland.

  2. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous! Sounds like a freaking stellar time!

  3. hi gabe!!! RE: doghnuts in Portland, turns out we're skipping Portland so we can get to the coast and get to San Fran. We'd rather have more time on that end so we can maybe even make it all the way to santa cruz. i'll have Robert take a photo of us.

  4. Did you use your fancy new phone to direct you to Robert and Linda's house?

  5. Amaaaaaazing! You two are riding and posting faster than I can read the blog! Lyon, did I inspire you to buy the uke when I said I saw a Rte 7 biker with a guitar strapped on? My tennis team says hi. I will resend the link so they'll consider donating.
