Saturday, May 29, 2010

May Update

I haven't been able to post in a while between being busy and lack of internet at my house. And to be honest, I haven't been riding my bike much, so I wouldn't have had anything to write about anyhow-this being a bike blog and all.

My cousin Amy came for a visit from Texas last week, and we did take a pretty sweet bike tour around the farmland that runs along the Connecticut. We found a waterfall and a secluded spot on the river ideal for swimming. Later she told me that this had been her favorite day of the trip. It was mine too, and not just because is was my birthday!

Speaking of my birthday, I wanted to mention that between Vanessa and my parents I got some great stuff for the trip. Vanessa managed to find me bicycle gloves (in an extra small! not easy to do!) that match my bike perfectly. It's kind of weird how perfectly they match-weird in a great way. I've worn them three times now on the ride to work and it makes a difference. I feel like I have a better grip, and they help absorb vibrations so going over bumps isn't as jarring.

My parents sent a box of bike goodies including lights, an obnoxious bike horn and a cycling guidebook to the west coast-which will be so helpful when we're planning our route.

This week I've ridden to and from work three days in a row. Lyon has been on tour since May 19th (yes, he left the day before my birthday!). But he's happily playing honky-tonk tunes with this band called JP Harris and the Tough Choices ( They went as far south as West Virginia, and are working their way back up to Mass now. They should be home by June 1st.

So that is the update for now. Our next step will be to buy a tent and take ourselves for an overnight cycling trip to see how it feels. Any suggestions for where to get a supper lightweight tent that will fit two?

Thanks to everyone for following and for being so supportive and encouraging as you all have.



  1. Here's my quick rundown:

    Real Nice, light, going to last somewhat Luxurious:

    Not quite as nice, but a great value:

    Ultralight and very great shelter, though bugs can be a problem. It depends on how hard-core you want to be:

    Sort of homemade, yet pricey but I've heard nothing but good things. A very cool company:

    Hope that helps. Enjoy and I can't wait to hear more about the prep for the adventure!
